Kamr : Vite Hotel Admin Dashboard Template
Kamr is a popular open source WebApp template for vite admin dashboards and admin panels. It utilizes all of the react-bootstrap components in design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications.
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Installation -
1.- Install npm
It will create 'node_module' folder in this all dependency files will be install with this
npm install
npm install
2.- Run Project
With is command file will be compiled and it will be loaded on local server
npm run dev
npm run dev
3.- Production Build
Builds the app for production to the `build` folder. Run the following command in your terminal.
npm run build
npm run build
4.- Further help
You can learn more in the Vite Documentation To learn Vite.
Sass Compile -
1.- Install Node-Sass
Node-sass is an NPM package that compiles Sass to CSS (which it does very quickly too). To install node-sass run the following command in your terminal: npm install node-sass
npm install node-sass
2.- Write Node-sass Command
Everything is ready to write a small script in order to compile Sass. Open the package.json file in a code editor. You will see something like this:
In the scripts section add an scss command
"scripts": { "sass": "node-sass --watch src/assets/scss/main.scss src/assets/css/style.css --source-map src/assets/css/style.css.map" },
3.- Run the Script
To execute our one-line script, we need to run the following command in the terminal: npm run sass
npm run sass
Folder Directories -
- public
- favicon.ico
- src
- assets
- css
- icons
- avasta
- feather
- flaticon
- font-awesome-old
- helveticaNeue
- icomoon
- line-awesome
- material-design-iconic-font
- simple-line-icons
- themify-icons
- images
- avatar
- big
- browser
- card
- contact
- demo
- pattern
- product
- profile
- tab
- table
- scss
- abstracts
- base
- components
- app
- charts
- forms
- ico
- map
- tables
- uc
- ui
- widget
- layout
- footer
- header
- rtl
- sidebar
- theme
- typography
- version-dark
- version-transparent
- pages
- main.scss
- context
- ThemeContext.js
- jsx
- components
- AppsMenu
- bootstrap
- charts
- chatBox
- Dashboard
- Forms
- PluginsMenu
- table
- layouts
- nav
- Header.jsx
- NavHader.jsx
- SideBar.jsx
- ChatBox
- EventSidebar.jsx
- Footer.jsx
- PageTitle.jsx
- Setting.jsx
- nav
- pages
- Error400.jsx
- Error403.jsx
- Error404.jsx
- Error500.jsx
- Error503.jsx
- LockScreen.jsx
- Login.jsx
- Registration.jsx
- Widget.jsx
- index.jsx
- components
- services
- AuthService.jsx
- AxiosInstance.jsx
- PostsService.jsx
- store
- actions
- reducers
- selectors
- store.js
- App.jsx
- main.jsx
- assets
- index.html
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- vite.config.js
Theme Features -
Layout is controlled by settings object layout settings inside index.html
<!-- Default layout --> <body data-typography = "poppins" data-theme-version = "light" data-layout = "vertical" data-nav-headerbg = "color_1" data-headerbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-style = "overlay" data-sibebarbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-position = "fixed" data-header-position = "fixed" data-container = "wide" data-primary = "color_1" direction = "ltr" >

Color Theme -
So many color option available
<!-- layout-1 --> <body data-typography = "poppins" data-theme-version = "light" data-layout = "horizontal" data-nav-headerbg = "color_1" data-headerbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-style = "full" data-sibebarbg = "color_3" data-sidebar-position = "fixed" data-header-position = "fixed" data-container = "wide" data-primary = "color_3" direction = "ltr" >

<!-- layout-2 --> <body data-typography = "poppins" data-theme-version = "light" data-layout = "vertical" data-nav-headerbg = "color_12" data-headerbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-style = "full" data-sibebarbg = "color_12" data-sidebar-position = "fixed" data-header-position = "fixed" data-container = "wide" data-primary = "color_12" direction = "ltr" >

<!-- layout-3 --> <body data-typography ="poppins" data-theme-version ="light" data-layout ="vertical" data-nav-headerbg ="color_14" data-headerbg ="color_2" data-sidebar-style ="full" data-sibebarbg ="color_2" data-sidebar-position ="fixed" data-header-position ="fixed" data-container ="wide" data-primary ="color_3" direction ="ltr" >

<!-- layout-4 --> <body data-typography = "poppins" data-theme-version = "light" data-layout = "vertical" data-nav-headerbg = "color_14" data-headerbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-style = "full" data-sibebarbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-position = "fixed" data-header-position = "fixed" data-container = "wide" data-primary = "color_14" direction = "ltr" >

<!-- layout-5 --> <body data-typography = "poppins" data-theme-version = "light" data-layout = "vertical" data-nav-headerbg = "color_10" data-headerbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-style = "mini" data-sibebarbg = "color_10" data-sidebar-position = "fixed" data-header-position = "fixed" data-container = "wide" data-primary = "color_10" direction = "ltr" >

<!-- layout-6 --> <body data-typography = "poppins" data-theme-version = "light" data-layout = "horizontal" data-nav-headerbg = "color_5" data-headerbg = "color_5" data-sidebar-style = "compact" data-sibebarbg = "color_1" data-sidebar-position = "fixed" data-header-position = "fixed" data-container = "wide" data-primary = "color_5" direction = "ltr" >

<!-- layout 7 --> <body data-typography ="poppins" data-theme-version ="light" data-layout ="vertical" data-nav-headerbg ="color_12" data-headerbg ="color_1" data-sidebar-style ="full" data-sibebarbg ="color_12" data-sidebar-position ="fixed" data-header-position ="fixed" data-container ="wide" data-primary ="color_12" direction ="ltr" >

Credits -
React Redux
Google fonts are used in the template.
Font Awesome
All Images are used
React Table
Full Calendar
Sweet Alert
Light Gallery
Uc Select2
Project Main Features -
- Vite v5.0.8
- Redux
- Bootstrap
- Built in SASS
- Node v20.11.1
- Fully Responsive
- Ready to used widget
- Detailed Documentation
- Attractive Calendar
- Invoice
- User Profile
- Timeline
- CkEditor
- Form Examples
- Many Charts Options
- Form Validation
- Input Slider
- Advanced Form Elements
- Form Wizard
- Social
- Bootstrap
- Datatable
- Table Sorting
- React Table
- Date Picker
- Sweetalert
- Toaster
- Light Gallery
- Scroll
- Chatbox
- Router
File - main.jsx
import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"; import App from "./App"; import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import {Provider} from 'react-redux'; import {store} from './store/store'; import ThemeContext from "./context/ThemeContext"; ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')).render( <React.StrictMode> <Provider store = {store}> <BrowserRouter basename='/'> <ThemeContext> <App /> </ThemeContext> </BrowserRouter> </Provider> </React.StrictMode>, )
Create a Page
import React from "react"; export function MyPage() { return( <h1>Hello!</h1> ) }
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- We Will Customize Template According To Your Requirement
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Version History -
07 June 2024
- New - Created & Upload Kamr